
型号model GF-950
常用功率Prime power(KW) 950
备用功率Standby power(KW) 1160
常用功率Prime power(KVA) 1187
备用功率Standby power(KVA) 1450
电压/频率Output voltage 400/230V
转速Rated speed(r/min) 1500
相数/线数phases /lines 3相4线
电流Maximum output current(A) 1800
油耗Fuel Consumption at 100%(L/H) ≤205
外形尺寸Engine dimension(MM) 4300*1800*2300
重量Gensets weight(KG) 7600
型号model YC30H1160
发动机型式Engine type 水冷
燃油喷射形式Injection Type 直喷 Direct Injection
进气方式Intake way 增压中冷Turbocharged Inter-cooled
发动机气缸数No. of Cylinders 12
缸径行程piston stroke(MM) 138/168
总排量Displacement(L) 30
压缩比Compression ratio 16.5:1
机油容量Oil capacity(L) 82
机油消耗率Oil consumption(g/(kw.h) ≤0.5
排放Emission T2
启动方式Starting way 24V直流电启动
调速方式Governor Type 电子调速 Electronic
适用海拔高度Applicable altitude(M) ≤2500
水箱散热器Water tank radiator 铝散热芯、40℃或者50℃环境温度
型号model YC950
额定功率Rated power(KW) 950
材质material quality 100%铜线绕组
轴承数Number of Bearing 单轴承
防护等级Protection Grade IP23
励磁方式Exciter Type 无刷、自励
调压方式Voltage regulation mode AVR 自动调压
绝缘等级Insulation Class H
电话干扰系数Telephone interference Factor(TIF) ≤50
电话谐波因数Telephone harmonic factor(THF) ≤2%
稳态电压调整率Voltage Regulation, Steady State ≤±0.5%
瞬态电压调整率Transient State Voltage ≤+20%~-15%
电压波动率Voltage fluctuation rate ≤±0.5%
稳态频率调整率frequency regulation,Steady State ≤±0.5%
瞬态频率调整率Transient frequency regulation ≤+10%~-7%
频率波动率Frequency fluctuation ≤±0.5%


50-1600千瓦柴油发电机出租,业务热线:139-2251-4410何经理 137-9037-6670吴先生
